Q: Who we're not?

"...she never hesitated to step in and do whatever was necessary herself.   Louise has a tremendous work ethic alongside a determination to ensure every aspect is delivered without compromise."

Bruce Tindale
Chairman, Planning Committee, ICCWS 2016

Q: Are you working on a project and need someone reliable to drive it while you oversee other commitments?

Q: Is your existing project expanding and you need to share some aspects of the workload with a right hand?

Q: Do you have an idea for a new event and need a consultant to help brainstorm the  creative development ? 

Q: Are you about to launch a new plan and need support organising & coordinating the finer details ?

Q: Are members of your team having to wear multiple hats and you need Meissa to bear some of the weight?

Minister of State for Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, George Eustice MP
​ICCWS opening, May 2016 
Brighton Hilton Metropole 


A: Someone who coordinates a project from a laptop whilst everyone else does the dirty work and has the fun. We are not a formulated, preconceived, PRINCE qualified solution.  We are hands on, muck in and intuitive to your needs as they evolve.

We are not party planners but we do plan a damn good event as the finale to a bigger development project.  We are not accountants, lawyers or an insurance company but are happy to work with them as required. We are not advisers in international policy but we have successfully and diplomatically worked with high profile individuals and companies internationally for over a decade. 

q: What does meissa mean?

A: Meissa Projects, was formed in 2015 by owner Louise Doyle, who, after spending more than a decade working internationally in the fields of event management & project coordination, wanted to build a brand that provided entrepreneurs & organisations with a resource in the shape of a safe pair of hands. Someone who would support you in the development, build & management of all aspects of an idea, project or event, with the same energy and dedication as if it were their own.

A: Meissa, (pronounced “MAY-sah”) is derived from the Arabic "Al-Maisan" meaning "The Shining One". A giant, double star with a blue glow, found at the head of the constellation Orion.  

Meissa means standing shoulder to shoulder with you, a second head to consult, supporting & taking ownership of areas where necessary; managing, coordinating and helping you to shine.

Q: Who we Are?

Helping  you develop, coordinate & manage your bespoke project or event

A: Meissa Projects supports the development, coordination and management of unique projects and events by providing you with a trustworthy right hand, for the duration of your project (usually 2-12 months). A person totally dedicated to what is best for your company, a member of the team and an advocate, not an agency or a temp who is only half invested.  

Driven by one woman, working on a freelance basis, across almost any sector, anywhere in the world.  Meissa has complete flexibility to fly in and hit the ground running, assisting with areas such as concept development, business strategy, creative direction, logistics planning and project coordination; from conception through to fruition or any part in between. 

If you are an entrepreneur or a small or medium enterprise and find you are overstretched or with one of the following types of requirements, Meissa Projects can offer you versatile and innovative support: